January Wildcat of the Month
Showing respect to teachers and peers will earn respect in return. It is important for all students to show respect by using their manners, with polite words and actions. Students of the Month are respectful even when they become frustrated.

January our eyes were open, for things that show respect, there were quite a few examples, our district did collect. Instead of telling all about them, each way respect was shown, more about the word respect, is what first should be known.
When you have respect, you give honor towards a thing, or when you hold someone or something, in a high esteem. Respect means regard, it is veneration that runs deep, to refrain from interfering, and hands to self you keep.
Respect is a high opinion of someone, an opinion to inspire, admire things they have done, their actions you do desire. It can be found in a particular detail, or found in one aspect, our district finds it everywhere, we're blessed by respect.
When you learn a person's qualities, had by all gals or guys, respect comes from admiration, take time to recognize. Respect means to like, and with further dissection, respect comes from love, and endearing affection.
Feel strongly for things, have a deep gratitude, you look up to things, with a respect attitude. Look up to adults, and respect authority, Endorse an association, or superiority.
January's theme and focus, was on the word "respect," respect has splashed our district, with very many flecks. No need to tell you all about them, from where respect comes, the ideas can be all yours, we're sure you can think of some. Because you know more about respect, you can guess where it's found, you have more ideas of what it may look like, or how it might sound.