The fitness center will be closed tomorrow (Thursday) for the AM shift.
over 3 years ago, Craig Hayes
Dear Wild Rose Families, High quality, safe facilities are an important part of our District’s vision for education. The School District of Wild Rose and the School Board began long-range facilities planning last fall to proactively prepare for future infrastructure needs and educational improvements. Join us for a special informational meeting on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium to learn more about this planning process. The purpose of the meeting is to share an update about the District’s infrastructure and educational needs, potential ideas for improvement, and what’s next. Your input is an important part of understanding needs, determining priorities, and planning for our future. • Facilities Information Meeting • Wednesday, May 5, 2021 • 6:00-7:30 p.m., High School Auditorium Questions? Please contact the District Office at 920-622-4201 or email Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Community Meeting 5-5-2021
Please join us for a Community Listening session as we present information from our facilities planning process on Wednesday, May 5 @ 6:00 PM in the Middle/High School Auditorium.
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Community Listening Session 5-5-2021
Hello WildCat Nation - the 3rd Quarter Honor Roll has been published on our website.
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Honor Roll
Motivational Monday!
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Motivational Monday
Motivational Monday - Life is Art, live yours in color.
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Motivational Monday
Motivational Monday- It’s Officially Spring!
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
motivational Monday
Motivational Monday. It’s a new month. Welcome to March.
almost 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Motivational Monday
Tune into the WIAA Regional Semifinal Boys Basketball game at Iola tonight at 7:00pm:
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Wild Rose wins on a three point shot to close out the game and advances to the Regional Semifinal game on Friday night. Great Job WildCats!
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
41-39 Wild Rose up with 1:41 to go. Go get it WildCats!
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
WIAA Boys Basketball Regional - WildCats up at the half over Rosholt 21-12. GO WILDCATS!
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Tune in to the WIAA Regional Boys Basketball game at Rosholt at 7:00pm tonight:
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Everything is hard before it is easy. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Motivational  Monday
Tune into the Girls WIAA Regional Basketball game at Auburndale at 7:00pm:
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
LadyCats get the victory tonight over Pacelli in the first round of regionals. 41-27.
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Wild Rose down 13-18 at the half. Let's Go LadyCats!
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
WIAA Girls Bball Regional Game Time - GO LADYCATS!
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Tune into the Girls WIAA Regional Basketball game against Pacelli at 7:00pm:
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Tune into the MSGBB games tonight against Tri-County at 5:30pm: Wild Rose Athletics YouTube Page
about 4 years ago, Craig Hayes