What an exciting finish to the V Volleyball game in Pittsville. Wild Rose was down 2 games to 0, they win the final three games and end up 3-2 on the night. Great job!
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
The School District of Wild Rose is in need of 3 Substitute Bus Drivers. We no longer have any substitute bus drivers and we are looking for you to fill one of these greatly needed positions in our District. The District will reimburse expenses associated with training and obtaining your license. If you are interested please contact Robert Williams at extension 1400for additional information and to get started. We thank you for your time in reading this message and we are hopeful you consider accepting this offer. Thank You and Have a Great Night!
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Good Evening. Tune into the Wild Rose Athletics YouTube channel tonight to catch your JV/V volleyball teams take on the Penguins of Tri-County.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
The previous link for the FB game is not working properly. We have been informed that the game is now being live-streamed on on the Iola-Scandinavia Athletics Facebook page.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Good Evening - Looking for some WildCat football to watch tonight. Please check out the Iola-Scandinavia YouTube channel to catch our WildCats in action tonight - Game time 7:00 PM - Good Luck! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8fqLeUjrdw
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
The High School Volleyball games are being live-streamed via Facebook Live on Rosholt Facebook page. Go LadyCats!
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
An exciting night of High School Volleyball in Wild Rose! V wins in 3 and JV lost 0-3. Great Job LadyCats!
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Wild Rose Athletics has a NEW YouTube Channel to LIVE Stream Athletic Events for High School & Middle School sport events. Click the Link to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLpfVNAGGrAtj9EB4EH_Zow
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Almond-Bancroft has contacted our office notifying us that they have canceled the middle school volleyball games for tonight.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Game passes for admission have been mailed out this week to fall student-athletes. A letter detailing how admission and attendance will occur this fall for athletic contests at Wild Rose Schools was mailed with the two individual passes per student-athlete.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Fall Athletics
Governor Tony Evers issued a statewide mandate for face masks that takes effect at 12:01 AM on Saturday, August 1, 2020. When using our facilities, grounds, and buildings we must adhere to the mandate.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
The School District of Wild Rose has been working with local & state health officials along with all three County school districts to develop plans to safely return to school. Please see our School District of Wild Rose Reopening Schools 2020-2021 plan. As of July 27, 2020 we are currently in the Purple Phase. shorturl.at/aO037
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
The Fitness Center is opening tonight. Please see Reopening Regulations posted on our website under the Fitness Center Page.
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Good Evening- A reminder that school material collection continues tomorrow from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. This includes all school-issued material, Chromebook, library materials, and an opportunity to pick up materials left at school. Thank You and Have a Great Night!
over 4 years ago, Craig Hayes
Waushara County Reopen Recommendations - http://waushara.municipalcms.com/docview.aspx?docid=29372
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes
Wisconsin Public Schools Remain Closed even with the Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision. The Wisconsin Supreme Court yesterday struck down almost all of the "Safer at Home Order," Executive Order #28. The Court did not, however, strike down the section that closed public K-12 schools. That section of the Safer at Home Order remains applicable and enforceable. Therefore, the Court's decision does not reopen schools, which remain closed through June 30th, the end of the current school year. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction will continue to provide updates as they become available. Waushara County is working on guidelines to continue to turn the dial as we move forward with COVID-19. These guidelines will be available and shared with our school community once they are available.
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes
4-16-2020 - Governor Tony Evers today directed Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee, Andrea Palm, to extend the Safer at Home Emergency Order #28 from April 24, 2020, to 8 AM Tuesday, May 26, 2020, or until a superseding order is issued.  This order includes schools: Public and private K-12 school buildings and grounds will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.  We will continue our off-site Instructional Learning Program.  We will follow up with more information and details in the next days/weeks. The School District of Wild Rose will continue the current Food-Service Program, curbside grab-and-go and deliveries until at least May 26th, 2020. If anyone would like to make a change to their food service needs, breakfast and lunch, please contact the school office.  School Report Cards will be arriving soon.  We have adjusted our grading procedure due to the Safer at Home/School Closure Order.  Please visit the District website and view the document specific to grading. The School District of Wild Rose appreciates your support, patience, and understanding during this Pandemic event.  WeAreWildRose and we are going to navigate this together. We are here to help, if you need assistance please contact the school offices directly. 
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes
4-2-2020 - We are working with state and local officials to determine some courses of action and planning as we navigate the many issues present today. At this time we are still under the State of Wisconsin Safer at Home order until April 24th at 8:00 AM. The President has also extended federal social distancing guidelines to April 30. No decisions have been made about the remainder of our school year at this time. We will be sure to continue to update you via phone, email and our District website under the COVID-19 menu option. Both, Wild Rose Elementary and our Middle/High have posted updates on the website, please visit and click on the links to review. The elementary is planning a drop-off and pick-up next week, details are on the website. Please contact the High School office if your breakfast or lunch foodservice needs have changed and if you are having technology concerns with school-supplied devices. Again, we thank you all for your continued support throughout this. We are hearing of many great things our students, families, and staff are doing. This partnership will continue to increase the positive culture in our Wild Rose community.
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes
3-30-2020 - Our school offices will be open to the public Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We are requesting that if you need something from the office that you call ahead, we will get the material ready and someone will meet you at the door. Thank you for your cooperation.
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes
3-20-20 - A reminder The foodservice program will begin on Monday. Curbside pickup will be from 8:00-11:00 at the high school main entrance. For those of you that are on our delivery list the drivers will be leaving the school shortly after 9:00 am. They will either be driving a school bus or a blue dodge van. The driver will honk, please come out to the vehicle. If no one comes out we will place the bag on your fire number or near your mailbox. Again, thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we navigate this school closure. If you have any questions please contact the school office on Monday morning starting at 8:00 am.
almost 5 years ago, Craig Hayes